Wireless Networking Design and Implementation

Survey ~ The initial WiFi survey is the most important part to get right when designing a wireless network.  If you do not perform an actual on-site physical RF survey then the wireless network can only be a best effort guess for coverage and capacity. We use the latest industry tools and techniques to map out the RF coverage and capacity of your intended area

Implementation Our experienced wireless network installers will work with you to install your wireless network with little or no disruption to your business.

Post Survey Test Upon completion of the implementation phase we will perform a final wireless site survey so that we can check to ensure that the initial network design has been realised and your requirements have been met.

Hospitality WiFi The boom in handheld mobile devices means that your customers are constantly connected while on the move. Hotels, cafes, restaurants, pubs are expected to play host to those looking to surf social media, answer emails and pass the time reading the headlines. Hospitality WiFi is now a growing market, with many establishments investing in wireless installations to capitalise on the benefits it brings to their business. Our hospitality wireless solutions allow you to draw in customers, increase your footfall and encourage repeat custom by offering a fast, stable and reliable WiFi connection with Performance Networks.

Public Security ~ When providing WiFi to the public it's key to ensure your visitors only view content which is suitable for the venue. Our systems can provide content filtering and can be fully customised for your site. We can also set up secure admin networks for the venues own use to connect EPOS, admin computers and even PDQ machines.

Point to Point wireless network links connect two locations together through line of sight. Typical examples are:

    Connecting two or more buildings together to provide a single network

 To install a CCTV network 

Wireless mesh networks provide a self-configuring, scalable wireless network capable of extremely high concurrent connections. Typical examples are:

   Public WiFi 

   Locations that cant be cabled

   Caravan Parks and camp sites